1. templates [Topic not found]

Contributing Material


  1. Fork & Pull the Repository

In order to contribute, the first step is to set up a local copy of the repository at https://tfoote.github.io/design/. For more instructions on how to fork and clone a repository, see these instructions:

https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests

  1. Once you have your own copy of the “design” repository, it’s time to add your contribution to it. This can be done in one of two ways:
  • Modifying existing material or
  • Adding new material
  1. If you are modifying existing material, navigate to the appropriate folder (courses, units, or topics) to find the file you want to edit. Note that the files are written in Markdown. For information on relevant Markdown syntax used in this site, see section on Markdown Syntax.

  2. If you are adding new material to the site, there are some things you should consider:

  • How does your material interface with our format (the “hierarchy” of content established on this site)?
  • How will you organize your material using this hierarchy?
  • How will you present your material given the tools available in markdown?

Once you’ve thought about these questions, it’s time to start adding your material.

  1. Testing and working remotely
  • jekyll
  1. Markdown Syntax - How to add files and format content
  1. templates [Topic not found]

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