
  1. Bringup
    How to start the TurtleBot software
  2. Teleoperation
    Teleoperation of a turtlebot
  3. Calibration
    Calibration of a turtlebot
  4. Industrial Calibration Toolbox
    Write abstract here

Getting Started with TurtleBot

In this course, you will learn how to bringup the TurtleBot, various modes of teleoperation:, and calibration. Follow through these next three units in order to learn how to start the TurtleBot software

1. Bringup

  • TurtleBot Bringup
  • TurtleBot Care and Feeding
  • 3D Visualisation

2. Teleoperation

  • Keyboard Teleop
  • Joystick Teleop
  • Interactive Markers Teleop

3. Calibration

  • TurtleBot Odometry and Gyro Calibration

Only necessary if you have a Create base which is using an external gyro. This will show you how to calibrate or test the calibration of a TurtleBot which is highly recommended when running any navigation based application.

Units in Getting Started with TurtleBot Course

  1. Bringup
    How to start the TurtleBot software
  2. Teleoperation
    Teleoperation of a turtlebot
  3. Calibration
    Calibration of a turtlebot
  4. Industrial Calibration Toolbox
    Write abstract here

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