Embedding Google Docs

It is fairly simple to embed a Google document in this site. Every Google doc has a “Publish to Web” option that produces an html snippet which can easily interface with any markdown file. In this tutorial, we will go through the steps to embedding a Google doc.

1. Set up the Google doc alignment

In your markdown file, copy and paste the following HTML div code required to align the Google doc iframe.

<div style="text-align: center"> </div>

This div contains the CSS code that will tell the viewer’s browser to center the video. If you wish to align the doc to the right or left, replace center with either right or left.

2. Obtain html Snippet

In your browser, navigate to the Google doc you wish to embed. From the file menu, select “Publish to Web”.

You will then get a message asking you to start publishing. Select “Start Publishing.”

After a few moments, you will get a new window. Here, you will see a line of html code labeled as “Embed Code.” Select this and copy it (Ctl+C). Note that if you are embedding a presentation, you may specify the size and other desired features of the presentation before copying this html code.

3. Paste html Code in Markdown File

Return to the markdown file and click the empty space before the “</div>” code. Then press “Ctrl-V” to paste the embed code. Your code should now resemble the following:

<div style="text-align: center"><iframe src=GOOGLE_DOC_SOURCE_AND_SPECIFICATIONS></iframe></div>

For example, if I want to embed a spreadsheet, this is what my code will look like:

<div style="text-align: center"><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C9znokjgbBoPrOZiIe1BKdnNz44FkiyyZTDfi1rH-CI/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe></div>

This spreadsheet will now appear like this on my web page:

iframe Sizing and Options

When embedding an “iframe,” either for a video or a google doc, there are several options that can be specified. These options include but are not limited to:

  • frameborder - recommennd: frameborder=”0”
  • width
  • height
  • scrolling - =”yes” or “no”
  • allowfullscreen (and mozallowfullscreen and webkitallowfullscreen) - =”true” or “false”

In the html code used to embed docs, these specifications are placed after thesrc=SOURCE_HERE and before ><iframe>.

The most relevant of these options are the width and the height, as they will specify the size of the doc on the page. We recomend starting with the following: width="400" height="400" and adjusting from there. Width and height can also be set as percentages: width="50%" height="100%". this sets the dimensions of the iframe relative to the size of the entire page.

Keep in mind that if a document is modified (for instance, if you add rows or collumns in a spreadsheet), you may need to resize the iframe).

Here is the same spreadsheet from above, only now with several options specified:

<div style="text-align: center"><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C9znokjgbBoPrOZiIe1BKdnNz44FkiyyZTDfi1rH-CI/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false" frameborder="0" width="50%" height="300" scrolling="no"></iframe></div>

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